Tubing, rollercoasters and fireworks

After a hiatus of almost two weeks I am back. The last week has been pretty busy. There was the July 4th weekend and the visit to Wild Adventures in Valdosta not to forget tubing down the Ichnetucknee.

July 4th was good as usual. There are two things that have really over awed me in the US, one is the monuments in Washington DC and the other is fireworks. There is nothing to beat them. This year I spent it at North wood Baptist church.

Tubing down the Ichnetucknee was also fun. It was a flying start with the raft flying of the back of the truck. The tubing itself was wonderful, I got to see the log that I almost drowned under last year (it had been cleared from the river this time around). I did try my swimming expertise but had to give it up due to the onset of cramps. It was really fun to watch me struggle with a cramped leg trying to find a log to hold onto. The fact that I am here and in some aligator’s stomach is due to Whitney, my snorkeling friend who was at hand to get me back on track. That experience has encouraged me to take a swimming class.

The visit to Wild Adventures was marred by rain, though I did manage to ride on my first rollercoaster. I think I’d like to try some more. Maybe the worlds biggest rollercoaster at Cedar Point…



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