12000 Miles …

Thats the amount of miles I have pu on my car in 5 months at 2400 miles / month. Hyundai even sent me a service reminder expecting me to have driven 15000 miles in the same period. To put this is prespective, consider that the average car drives the same 15000 miles in a year. And for the rest of the world I have put 19312 Kilometers (kms) on my car.

Continuing on my previous posts about driving, I have noticed that each country and state has some peculiarity of its own.

    Did you know …

  • Its illegal to take a ‘U’ turn in Ohio? I didn’t and almost gave a shock to a Chevoret car salesman during on of my test drives
  • There are no stop lines at intersections in Minneapolis
  • Its the law in India to honk when you pass somebody
  • Its the law in India to honk when you are taking a blind turn
  • Its the law in India to honk …
  • There are no speed limits in the highways of India. But you travel faster in the US
  • I can think of lots more but thats for another time.

It’s been a long day and I had something else to post too, but I guess that can wait till tomorrow 😉

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference”


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