Birthsays … birthdays … and more birthdays

Hey it looks like a season of birthdays of my friends. Two out of the 5 people in my family are born in June. It looks like a nice idea to use this blog to get the names all out there. Fallon, Rajesh, Justin, Mani and Holly so far.

My Cousin Samuel celebrated his 6th Birthday on the 19th. He is one cute kid and can sing more than 30 songs by heart… if only I could do it at this age … Not that I don’t sing, I think most people can vouch about my ability to render “Leaving on a jet plane” , “It’s amazing …”. I know my friends love me to death, ‘caus if they didn’t I would have been shot a hundred times over.

Well I take the verse “Make a joyful noise to the Lord …” a little too seriously!!!!!



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